Senior Care Advice

Senior Proofing a Home

Senior Proofing Senior Proofing a home is the new Baby Proofing. It is just as important, if not even more. June is National Safety Month  Platinum Select Care is all about keeping our Seniors and our clients safe this month and every month. So if you have a mom, dad or grandma who is [...]

Senior Proofing a Home2024-07-11T20:20:34+00:00

10 Health Benefits of Laughter for Seniors

10 Health Benefits of Laughter for Seniors Laughter Improves Heart Health Laughter has a strong connection to the heart, and not just because it gets you right in the feelings. Heart health is probably one of your top concerns, especially as you get older. Did you know that laughing regularly can help you improve your [...]

10 Health Benefits of Laughter for Seniors2024-07-11T20:18:16+00:00

5 Reasons Crying is Good for You

5 Reasons Crying is Good for You 5 reasons crying is good for you, so go ahead and have a good cry! Research has proven what many caregivers have already figured out on their own: sometimes there’s nothing like a good cry to make you feel better. While society often considers shedding tears to [...]

5 Reasons Crying is Good for You2024-07-11T20:21:45+00:00

If your Elderly Parents are Refusing Home Care… We Have a Few Suggestions

If your Elderly Parents are Refusing Home Care… We Have a Few Suggestions If your elderly parents are refusing Home Care, we have a few suggestions that can help. We understand that it can be a very difficult time, especially if you see the writing on the wall. Your aging loved one is no [...]

If your Elderly Parents are Refusing Home Care… We Have a Few Suggestions2024-07-11T20:22:51+00:00

6 Issues Every Senior Will Face and How To Help Them

6 Issues Every Senior Will Face and How To Help Them There are 6 issues every senior will face. Getting older can be scary, whether it’s still far off in the distance or notably getting closer. However,  if you have a loved one in their golden years, they are likely already dealing with some [...]

6 Issues Every Senior Will Face and How To Help Them2024-07-11T20:24:40+00:00

Help Seniors Cope with Loneliness During the Holiday Season

Help seniors cope with the loneliness during the holiday season. The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration and spending time with loved ones. However, for seniors who may be living alone or have lost loved ones, the holidays can be a difficult time. Coping with the loneliness during the holiday season can [...]

Help Seniors Cope with Loneliness During the Holiday Season2024-07-11T20:25:30+00:00

5 Strategies Seniors Can Use to Help Cope with Chronic Pain

Strategies Seniors Can Use to Help Cope with Chronic Pain Strategies seniors can use to help cope with chronic pain, can be a lifeline to those that suffer. The goal is to get back on your feet, even if it takes a bit of time, and to never give up. There are many strategies, [...]

5 Strategies Seniors Can Use to Help Cope with Chronic Pain2024-07-11T20:44:15+00:00

10 Hurricane Preparedness Tips for Seniors

Hurricane season in Florida starts TODAY! It runs from June 1 through November 30. During this time, Floridians need to be on high alert, checking the weather reports daily for signs of tropical disturbances in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. Because hurricanes can strike Florida with very little warning, it is important for [...]

10 Hurricane Preparedness Tips for Seniors2024-07-11T21:05:13+00:00

Why Is a Good Exercise Routine So Important for Seniors?

Seniors who follow a good exercise routine typically enjoy longer, healthier, and happier lives. If you are presently looking after aging in place elderly loved one, here are some specific reasons why encouraging them to exercise regularly is so important.

Why Is a Good Exercise Routine So Important for Seniors?2024-06-28T16:39:57+00:00

How Can I Find a Professional Home Caregiver?

You decided that it might be best to hire mom a professional home caregiver. But where do you start? Finding the right in-home caregiver for an aging loved one can be challenging. Taking these steps should help simplify your search.

How Can I Find a Professional Home Caregiver?2022-12-23T18:58:17+00:00
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